[ARCHIVED] "Commons" organization

Community Member

Maybe it's because I don't know what I'm doing, but the commons seems like a big repository (data dump) that can only be accessed by keyword searches or raw browsing. Am I right?
I'm envisioning a way to share lessons with colleagues across my district from a single location that has a clear directory structure similar to what you might see on any file share. Example:

Anatomy & Physiology
⤷Unit 1: Antatomy Terminology
    ⤷lesson/quiz/etc. from colleague 1
    ⤷lesson/quiz/etc. from colleague 2
 ⤷Unit 2: The Integumentary System
    ⤷lesson/quiz/etc. from colleague 2
    ⤷lesson/quiz/etc. from colleague 4

Can it be done?

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