[ARCHIVED] "Send To" feature: Imports grade policies from another instructor

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We've come across an interesting issue for teachers who are sending content to each other. Our science department has gotten into the practice of sending content (assignments, quizzes) to each other. They've found that when they import the content they've been sent by a colleague, that colleague's grading policies come with it, overriding their current grading policies! 

EX: The sending colleague has a late policy that deducts 40% per day until 60%. When the receiving colleague imported one quiz that she sent him, it modified his grade book to adopt her late work policy. He only found out because his students started emailing him asking why their grades had changed.

Has anyone else seen this? Is there a remedy? 

We will most likely recommend that the department set up shell courses for their subjects so that they can all import content directly from those, but wondered if anyone else had seen this specific problem.

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2 Solutions

If this is something that is not working correctly, please encourage others to work with Support. That will be the best way for Instructure to create a better understanding of what needs to be addressed.

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@AshleyWeaver and @SusanNiemeyer - I heard that this was recently identified and addressed. Do you have a sandbox to verify?

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