Autoconversion of media files

Community Member

I just ran up against this and will relate my experience.  For instructional reasons, I want my students to use a .wav file.  When I upload it, it is converted (automagically) to a .m4a file.  This is against my wishes and furthermore, there isn't a way to avoid it.

I was advised to change browsers and the behavior didn't change.  And, to add insult to injury, the extension of the file isn't changed from .wav!  Can you imagine?  They change the format and not the extension!

There are three very bad design decisions here: (1) Thinking that behavior should vary with the browser  (2) Changing file formats without user approval and finally (3) not changing the extension.  If the designers were my students (I teach Computer Engineering), I would give them a very bad grade.

The way around this is to encapsulate them in a .zip file.  When uploading, you are given the option to not unzip it.  Choose that and the format should remain as it is.

Shameful.  Very bad decisions with implications.


The way around

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