Course is published but can't access it?

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Community Novice

Hi Smiley Happy - 

My instructor said she would publish the Canvas page to a course so we could have access to the policies and syllabus etc today right, and I went on Canvas. It says it's "Published," but it doesn't let me in? Why am I not able to go onto the course's page? 

thank you 

1 Solution
Community Champion


Publishing a course is not always sufficient for students to be able to access it. There are dates for the course and some options to restrict students from seeing the course before or after those dates, even if the course is published. Sometimes those are set by the institution and sometimes they are set by the faculty.

This is explained in the Canvas Instructor Guide lesson: How do I change the start and end dates for a course?  

You may want to share that lesson with your instructor if they truly intend for you to access the course ahead of time.

Also, there is a general resource for students of things to check when they cannot access their courses that provides additional suggestions. 

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