Hello again, @mdespard1 ...
Ugh...sorry to read that you lost another rubric. While I do not work for Instructure, nor can I speak for them... I do know that they, like any company, have plans for what is on their radar to build, update, etc. based on user stories, feedback, surveys, and other data sources. So, I'm not exactly sure that saying Instructure refuses to work on something like this is totally accurate. You can read more about their process at What is the feature development process for Instru... - Canvas Community. (There's also a couple paragraphs near the bottom explaining why something might not be as simple as you think...as far as implementation is concerned.) In addition, check out their Roadmap - Canvas Community to see what they are and will be working on in the near future.
I would recommend, if you have not done so already, submitting a Feature Idea here in the Community so that other Community members could comment on it and evaluate it...as it may be something that others want, too. Idea Conversations - Canvas Community When submitting a Feature Idea, you'll be able to click on that red "Suggest an idea" button, and you'll be asked to type in a few keywords for your suggestion. It will then search for existing ideas, and so maybe you'll find something that has already been suggested so you don't need to submit a duplicate. This Guide may be of help: How do idea conversations work in the Canvas Commu... - Canvas Community
Finally, I know it may not be ideal, but I would still encourage you to take a look at the write-up from @James I had linked to in my previous response. I do understand the want and the need for an auto-save of rubrics...it would be a nice feature for sure! But, by using the process James has outlined, you can be more confident that adding a rubric to your assignment will work and you won't (hopefully) be dealing with this issue any more.
Not sure if any of this will be helpful to you, but I at least wanted to reply with some additional thoughts for you. Take care, and Happy New Year!
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