Navigating Canvas

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I'm a little confused navigating Canvas. I know who my teacher of ORGL 8740 is but when I click on meet your professor, another teacher's bio comes up; "getting started" takes to a broken link. Some of the links in the modules are also broken links. Who double checks Canvas after the information for the course has been uploaded. 

I'm not a perfectionist but this adds to the normal anxiety school causes...

Thanks for your help

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello  @mc4078 ...

Ugh!  I can see how that would be really confusing for you and your classmates!  Unfortunately, the vast majority of people here in the Community website don't have access to your school's Canvas environment or your course(s) in question.  The issues you describe really should be addressed by your he/she would be the one who could update the course accordingly.  To contact your instructor, click on the "Help" icon on the left side of your Canvas screen, and then choose "Ask Your Instructor a Question".  How do I get help with Canvas as a student?

Good luck to you, Maria!  Sing out if you have any questions.  Be well, and stay safe!

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