Publish/Unpublished Courses

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Community Novice

Dear all,

I need some assistance here. We are currently setting up the integration and getting ready for next year.


  1. Is there any possibility we can "PUBLISH" or "UNPUBLISHED" a load of courses one-time or must do it one-by-one without any option?

Thank you in advance!



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1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi  @ystan001 

There is a way to do this, and if I'm understanding your question correctly you're looking for this clever solution found on this page here created by one of the Community's APIcall/GoogleDoc Mashup Rockstars,  @James ā€‹.  Scroll a few comments until you see James' first comment on the page (just a few under the PandaCat graphic) to read more about this clever solution that might help you out to publish. But don't stop reading there...stefaniesanders offers some considerations on top-down course publishing, James provides an update and then goes on to share even much great sharing happening on this page. I hope the experiences and tools shared there can help you out.


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