Short answer questions have grade pre-populated in SpeedGrader

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Community Novice

In SpeedGrader I've noticed that when I'm grading quizzes often times the numeric grade for a short answer question is already populated before I've even assigned a grade. If I refresh or move to another student and then back the pre-populated grade becomes blank. This is problematic because often times the numeric score is pre-populated as 5/5 and then I adjust down to reflect the grade I am assigning, and it causes the student to see different point totals for their quiz. 

1 Solution
Community Explorer

Hi  @bpowell2  .  Have you noticed if this happen in multiple web browsers?  I have not experienced this myself but know that sometimes behaviors exist in one browser but not another.  I normally suggest trying in Chrome and Firefox to faculty at my institution. If you notice the behavior in multiple browsers I would contact Support (see How do I get help with Canvas as an instructor?).  Support could check and see if the issue appears to be a bug and if so create a ticket for this.

All the best! 

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