How do I reset Canvas Aspire SIS grade integration data for a course as an admin?

As an admin, you can reset gradebook integration data for courses in your account in SIS Integration Utilities.

When a Canvas assignment syncs to your institution's SIS gradebook, it is assigned a number that passes from Canvas to your SIS. When the assignment is created in the SIS, it receives the same number. This means that subsequent grade syncs can include student grade updates without requiring the assignment to be re-created as a new assignment in the SIS. When you reset the grade integration data, this assigned number is removed from the gradebook integration data that is passed from Canvas to the SIS. Without the assigned number, the Canvas data is interpreted as a new assignment, which triggers the creation of a new assignment in the SIS gradebook.

Unlike a typical SIS grade sync, when you reset grade integration data, you cannot select or deselect assignments to include.

Note: To reset integration data for a course, you must know the course ID. To find a course ID, you can open a course and view the URL. The course ID is the set of numbers after Alternatively, you can view the course URL by hovering your cursor over the course name link in the Courses page.

Open Account

Open Account

In Global Navigation, click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].

Open SIS Integration

Open SIS Integration

In the Account Navigation menu, click the SIS Integration link.

Open Utilities

Open Utilities

In the SIS Integration page, click the Utilities tab.

View Reset Integration Data Notification

View Reset Integration Data Notification

View the Reset Integration Data tool warning notification [1].

Resetting integration data cannot be undone and resets the posting status of all assignments in the specified course. A data reset may also lead to duplicate assignments in the SIS gradebook.

Enter Course IDs

Enter the course ID in the Course IDs field [1]. You can enter multiple course IDs separated by a comma to reset data for multiple courses at one time.

Then click the I understand the consequence of this action checkbox [2].

Reset Course Integration Data

Reset Course Integration Data

Click the Reset button.