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Assignment Enhancements: Release Change Log

Assignment Enhancements: Release Change Log

This document indicates feature updates in the Assignment Enhancements project. The release date indicates the date the features will be available in the production environment. All noted updates can be tested in the beta environment in advance of its announced release date.

Full details of this project can be viewed in the Assignment Enhancements Overview Document, which is updated on the release date.






Updated Features

External Tool Enhanced Submission View 

When Assignment Enhancements-Student is enabled, External Tool type assignments display in enhanced submission view.

Peer Review Link 

When Assignment Enhancements-Student is enabled, students can switch between multiple peer review assignments using the updated Required Peer Reviews link.



Updated Features

Assignment Progress Indicator Update

After an assignment is submitted, the progress indicator text emphasizes the Next Up step. Previously, the progress indicator emphasized the current step.

Related Idea: [Assignment Enhancements] Clarify terminology and processing

Assignment Submission Button Text Update 

When multiple attempts are available for an assignment, the submission button text is updated to display New Attempt after the first submission.

Related Idea: [Assignment Enhancements] Clarify terminology and processing



New Features

Student Peer Review Enhanced Submission View 

When the Peer Review Support in Assignment Enhancements feature option is enabled, peer review assignments display in enhanced submission view.

To enable the Peer Review Support in Assignment Enhancements feature option, contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM). The Assignment Enhancements-Student feature option must also be enabled.

Updated 2023-04-03- removed delay label



Updated Feature [Delayed as of 2022-12-12]

Student Peer Review Enhanced Submission View 

When Assignment Enhancements-Student is enabled, peer review assignments display in enhanced submission view.



Updated Feature

Observer Visibility of Student Feedback

An unread indicator (blue dot) displays when new feedback is added to an assignment for Observers. The unread indicator (blue dot) is removed after the comment has been viewed.




Updated Feature

Originality Score Displays for Students

In assignments with a plagiarism detection tool, students can view their Originality Report.




Updated Feature

Updated Assignment Enhancements Workflow 

When opening an assignment from the student grades page, instructors and admins are directed to Speedgrader.




New Feature

Observer Enhanced Submission View

Observers can view their observee’s submissions in enhanced submission view.



Updated Features

Assignment File Upload Filter in Canvas Picker

For File Upload Assignments, the Canvas Picker filters out files with disallowed extensions.

Assignment Notification Links Directly to Assignment Page

In Notifications, a link directs to the assignment page when an assignment has been graded or a comment added.



Updated Features

View Feedback Button Display

The View Feedback button displays in the assignment details page for No Submission, On Paper, and External Tool submission types. Students are able to view any feedback provided in those assignment types from an instructor.




Updated Features

Observer Assignment Elements

Observers are not able to view elements that create or modify submissions, such as the Try Again button, Cancel Attempt button, and Submit Assignment button. The Comment button always displays as the View Feedback button. Additionally, viewing an assignment that does not require a submission (no submission assignment) does not create a draft.

Support for student annotations will be included in a future release.




Updated Features

Microsoft Immersive Reader

Students can view the Microsoft Immersive Reader button in assignments.

Rubric View

When an assignment includes a rubric, the Rubric section is expanded by default.




Updated Features

Files Button Terminology Update

For file upload assignments, the Files button has been renamed to the Canvas Files button.

Webcam Button and Image File Extensions

When an online assignment does not permit uploading image file extensions (e.g. PNG, JPEG), the webcam button does not display as an assignment upload option.

Webcam Button Icon Update

The Webcam button displays as a camera icon.

Student Grades Page Assignment Path

When an assignment title is selected from the Student Grades page, the assignment directs to the Assignment Enhancements workflow.

External Tool (LTI) Support

External tool (LTI) submissions are supported in Assignment Enhancements. Additionally, the placement of the External Tool buttons have been adjusted. Instead of displaying within the File Uploads option, installed tools for a course display as buttons next to all other submission types. If an assignment includes multiple tools, the External Tool options may be accessed via the More button.

The assignment page displays the type of file that is returned by the External Tool. For instance, if the tool returns a file, the file will be added to the draft assignment’s list of uploaded files. However, if the tool returns a link, the assignment displays a preview of the linked content. All returned files from an External Tool are retained as an assignment draft until the assignment is submitted or the attempt is canceled.

Observer Support

Observers can view all content from submitted assignments in the Assignment Enhancements workflow. However, observers cannot view assignment drafts.




Updated Features

Additional Attempt Comments

Students can leave a comment for a submission as part of the first attempt. However, when creating additional attempts, students can only leave a comment after the attempt has been completed.




Updated Features

Assignment Footer Anchor

The assignment footer, which includes modules and submissions buttons, is anchored to the bottom of the page.

Web URL Submission Type Update

For URL assignment types, the web URL field has been updated. Once a URL has been entered, students can click the View icon to preview the website and ensure the link is valid.




New Features

Group Assignments

Group assignments are supported in Assignment Enhancements. Submitting to a group assignment also submits the assignment for all students in the group, deleting any drafts belonging to other group members in the process (this should all happen automatically). In the student view, a message is visible reminding the student that the submission will be for everyone in the group.




New Features

Webcam Submission

The Webcam submission type can be used with Assignment Enhancements.

Updated Features

File Upload Options

In File Upload assignments, the More Options button has been removed, and the previous options that existed behind the button have been displayed as buttons (Files and Webcam). Any External Apps that allow for uploading files also display for students.

Next/Previous Module Buttons

Next and Previous buttons have been added to assignments within Modules.




Updated Features

Annotation Assignment Type

Student annotation assignments can be used with Assignment Enhancements.

Closed Captions

If a student selects the option in User Settings to auto show closed captions, videos with captions display automatically for assignments in Assignment Enhancements.

Copyright Files

The Copyright holder field is not required, which aligns Files behavior with other areas of Canvas.

Module Requirements

When a student views an assignment that is not yet available because requirements have not yet been met, the assignment displays a link to the Modules page.

Offline Scores

When a student receives a grade on an assignment without a submission, the assignment displays an Offline Score field, indicating a score has been given without the assignment being submitted.

Student Feedback

The Student Dashboard feedback link directs students to the assignment enhancements view. Previously the assignment enhancements view not supported directly from the Dashboard.

When a student opens an assignment that includes feedback, the feedback sidebar opens by default.

If a student views an assignment with no comments, the View Feedback sidebar indicates the purpose of the sidebar.




Updated Features

Assignment Attempts

The number of attempts for an assignment is displayed between the due date and the available date.

Assignment Status

A button displays in the footer for each assignment and indicates the status of the attempt being viewed:

  • Submit Assignment: when the current attempt can be submitted
  • Try Again: when the most recent attempt has been submitted and there is no current draft attempt
  • Mark as Done: as before, when the assignment is part of a module with a mark-as-done requirement


Rubrics display for on-paper and no submission assignments.

Submission Tracker Changes

The Submission workflow tracker displays a circle with the following statuses:

  • In Progress (Next Up: Submit Assignment)
  • Submitted (Next Up: Review Feedback)
  • Review Feedback (This assignment is complete!)
  • Attempts have been changed from a tab to a drop-down menu.

View Comments Button

The View Comments interface has been updated with a View Feedback button at the top of the page and indicates when comments have been added.




Updated Features

Blank Description Text

The default text has been updated for description content that is blank.




Updated Features

File Upload Interface

The File Upload interface for assignment submissions has been updated with an improved design.




Updated Features

Submission Drop-down Menu

The Submission drop-down menu has been replaced with submission buttons.

Text Assignment Updates

For text assignments, the Rich Content Editor is always visible on the page.

After the text has been submitted for the assignment, the text displays in the assignment page and becomes read-only.




Updated Features

Cancel Attempt

For attempts after a student’s initial attempt, the assignment footer includes a Cancel Attempt button.

Display Grades

The Display Grade field has been updated.

Rubric Link

The Rubric link has been placed between the assignment details section and the attempt submission area.

Submission Time

Assignments display the submission time along with the submission date.




Updated Features

Submission Comments

For assignments with a manual post policy, students can post submissions comments and view their comments before the assignment is posted.


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