Can a Sub Account Admin post an announcement to course?

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Hello Community!  I feel as though this should be an easy answer, but I am struggling. Smiley Sad (New admin here.)  Our Instructional Deans (who are Sub Account Admins) want to be able to post an announcement within select courses. (Let's say that the instructor will be absent and has not posted an announcement.) It appears that the global announcement would go to the entire division, but we would like to only reach out to select courses and/or sections. What am I missing? Is this possible? 

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 @kona ,  @kmeeusen & Community, Turns out it was a permission thing. The "discussion - moderate" permission needs to be enabled for the +Announcement to appear at the course-level for the Sub Account Admin. This same permission allows the Global Announcement to work. I never dreamed a "discussion" permission would have an effect on announcements. Turns out it does! Smiley Happy  Thanks for your help! 

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