Moodle imports into Canvas aren't distributing to Modules as usual

Community Contributor

We're running into an issue when importing some older Moodle sites (from 2009-2012) into Canvas.

(Moodle version is 3.3.4)

Generally Moodle weekly or topic blocks translate well into Canvas Modules, with block titles, summary text, files and activities (e.g. discussions, assignments, quizzes) appearing in the Canvas Module and in the same order as they had in the Moodle block.

What we're encountering with some of the imports is that the content gets distributed to their respective areas in Canvas - files to the Files index, discussions to the Discussions page, etc - but files and activities are not being included in their respective Module.

Any insights are appreciated.

Thank you for your time.

Bridget Irish

Curricular Technology Support | Canvas Admin
The Evergreen State College

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