Power Script to copy course template to course shells

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Our campuses want to copy a couurse template to the all the course shells created in the SIS import.  I thought I can use the Powershell script available in the unsupported GitHub Canvas site.  When I try to run the script, I get the message:

Starting copy of course .......
   ERROR: An error occured: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
   at Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestPSCmdlet.GetResponse(WebRequest request)
   at Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestPSCmdlet.ProcessRecord()

I want to know if anybody out there has tried this and got it to work.  I am trying to run the script in a windows 7 machine.

The PS version is 3.0.

This is the script if anybody wants to look at it.


# Script to copy course content from one existing course to another
# Version 0.1

#Script Requires PowerShell 3 or higher

# Input File Format is a CSV file with the following headers:
# source_id,destination_id

# Configuration Variables
$canvasURL = 'rsccd.test.instructure.com' # Canvas Instance URL do not include https:// (Example: canvas.instructure.com)
$token = '' # An API token for a user with adequate permission to assign observees -- I placed our access token within ''
$inputFile = 'c:\canvas\copycourses.csv' # Full Path to file to process
$useSISIDs = $false # Set to $true if your input file provides SIS IDs for both source and destination course IDs. Set to $false if your input file uses Canvas IDs for both source and destination course IDs.

#************ Do Not Edit Below This Line ************
#Check for file
if(!(Test-Path $inputFile)){
  Write-Host Input file does not exist!
$headers = @{"Authorization"="Bearer "+$token}
$in_data = Import-CSV($inputFile);
  $idPrefix = "sis_course_id:"
  $idPrefix = ""
forEach($item in $in_data){
  $fromCourse = $idPrefix + $item.source_id
  $toCourse = $idPrefix + $item.destination_id
  $url = 'https://'+$canvasURL+'/api/v1/courses/'+$toCourse+'/content_migrations'
  #Write-Host $url
  $postData = @{'migration_type'='course_copy_importer'; 'settings[source_course_id]'=$fromCourse}
    Write-Host Starting copy of course $fromCourse to course $toCourse
  Try {
    $results = (Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $headers -Method POST -Uri $url -Body $postData)
      $jresults = ($results.Content | ConvertFrom-Json)
        Write-Host "   Started"
      Write-Host "   Unable to complete request. An error occured: " + $_.Exception
  } Catch {
    $errorMsg = $_.Exception
    $terminate = $false
    if($errorMsg.Response.StatusCode -eq 'unauthorized'){
      $msg = "The provided token is not from a user with sufficient permission to complete the action."
      $terminate = $true
    }elseif($errorMsg.Response.StatusCode.Value__ -eq "400"){
      $msg = "Unable to start copy."
      $terminate = $false
      $msg = "An error occured: " + $errorMsg
      $terminate = $true
    Write-Host "   ERROR:" $msg
    if($terminate){ break }


Thank you,

Asha Vanch

Rancho Santiago Community College District

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1 Solution

So that means your CSV file contains the SIS_ID for a course in the destination id column. Could you verify that you are also using the SIS_ID in the source id column? My guess is that one column is SIS ID and the other is Canvas Course ID.

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