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Has anyone heard about Canvas creating their own Course/Student Evaluations for terms end.  It would be nice to have something integrated into the Canvas program for ease of use.  On the same note, what are others using?

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Canvas Admin Discussion
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Hello! Are there are any apps one could use to enable the students to read epub-files directly in Canvas?It would be awesomeif they could open a regular page in a course and then find the e-pub reader ready for use on the course page. Thanks!!Radar

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Canvas Admin Discussion
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I am a relatively new district admin for Canvas, but my experience is very limited.  I have a parent who, when they log in via the website or parent app, shows a blank calendar and no upcoming events for the student she is observing.  Her account loo...

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Canvas Admin Discussion
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Hello,I enabled this feature from the site_admin account and root account, Also from the course settings, But it didn't appear, after all, I waited more than three days to be shown but this not worked. Any help, please.Thanks.

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Canvas Admin Discussion
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Hi all,Is there a way for me to get a report showing the usage of CURRENT default tab/menu of our school account?Example like: 300 courses has People tab on and 200 has it hidden.The purpose is for us to make a decision on what tab/menu would be on t...

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Canvas Admin Discussion
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Is there a way to only show the current terms when searching courses in the Admin tools?  When I got to search it always shows the previous terms as well as the current terms.

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Canvas Admin Discussion
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Anyone else experiencing MAJOR synching issues? We don't do the SIS Import ourselves, it's completed through LDAP. I've put in several tickets with Canvas support and most of them either don't get resolved or I find a way around it.I've never had a b...

Community Novice
Canvas Admin Discussion
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Dear community! It is my first post and I have many doubts due to the specific situation I have. I coordinate a global project with 300+ students from different universities (around 15) and 20 professors from all over the world. Everyone (professors ...

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Canvas Admin Discussion
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Hi all, Our student management system removed a student from class and then his grades also disappeared. How do I recover this data? He was not removed as a user in canvas and he has been readded to the class, but I am trying to avoid having him resu...

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Canvas Admin Discussion
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Is there a way to add a course reviewer role and have it prevent a course from being published without being reviewed?

  • 1 Replies

Why can't I click anything on canvas? My mouse definitely works, I tested it on a different website and it worked.

  • 1 Replies

I have a report that a student is not seeing all the choices in a dropdown menu in New Quizzes when they they take it on a Chromebook. They are reporting that they are not seeing all the options that other students in the class are seeing who are not...

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Canvas Admin Discussion
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At present in our institute we are implementing a Qualified Survey (with 0 points) as a report, to get the students' perception about their experience on the course. We need to be able to visualize these results on the New Analytics section, but this...

  • 1 Replies

A campus principal is asking for a list of all manually created courses.  Is there a way to pull that in a report? TY!

  • 2 Replies

Anyone using this app/lti? How do I as an admin set up Lazy text for my students and instructors. I have activated the inherited key. But then what do I do? Do I have to get accounts for all the students at Lazy Text? Is there anyone that can help me...

  • 3 Replies

A teacher has the students download the assignment (word doc), then students type in it, then students upload it. All the other students' (in same class and other classes) assignments work except for one kid. The kid's work shows up as he submitted i...

  • 1 Replies

I am trying to pull data on all students to see how much time they are spending in courses,  I don't want to have to go through each teacher account to see this.  I could not find a report that gives me this information.  I know looks can be deceivin...

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Canvas Admin Discussion
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Hello, I'm trying to create a quiz which has 15 question, but I want the system to pull a random batch of 10 questions each worth 2 point (20 possible points for quiz).  The quiz is set to allow retake 3 times.  Each time a student takes the quiz, it...

  • 1 Replies

Hi i am doing  first time online exam and assignment, could you anybody please guide me. ThanksA.Nira

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Canvas Admin Discussion
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Hi there, new to posting in this group so please bear with me. In the latest release to hit prod we got access to a new feature in New Analytics - downloaded CSV reports. The Course Activity report has the account time zone applied, not the course ti...

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Canvas Admin Discussion
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Hi there, We've been using an API call to the Student Submissions report for the purpose of posting attendance to our SIS for asynchronous courses. However, we've noticed the discussion replies to other students don't count in the submissions report ...

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Canvas Admin Discussion
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What does your school use to automate data feeds from Banner to Canvas?  I am currently running files manually via SIS import and want to find an easier way.  We originally tried SFTP, but that process doesn't do the diffing for us and we didn't have...

Community Explorer
Canvas Admin Discussion
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I thought I'd post this because I'm certain there must be other Admins out there who have experienced some interesting glitches with integrating Zoom into Canvas over the last 5 months.  We've discovered that Zoom's technical support is quite disappo...

  • 7 Replies

We have been using Canvas for 5 years and now it is a time for us to think about clearing our system from old courses. Instructors and Students started complaining about the long list of ALL COURSES and asking to remove some. Copying and searching co...

Community Participant
Canvas Admin Discussion
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Hello All, I'm trying to find out if this REST endpoint will support fetching data based on the last updated date/time or timestamp? Does...

  • 3 Replies

Is there a location where there is a list of Community-supplied Scripts for Canvas?I had seen a script that worked great, but before I could save it, I lost the details of it.  I had to go back through the Ideas section, and then scroll thru the comm...

  • 1 Replies

I am fixing some rosters where students are in more than one section of a course. After the overnight sync with our SIS, it reverts back and loses all my changes. I ran an Enrollments provisioning report to see where it is coming from, and my report ...

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Canvas Admin Discussion
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Unable to import the McGraw Hill Wonders assessment QTI files, any ideas?  The process queues, kicks off then starts to import -- then almost immediately we get a failed message -- "There was an unexpected error, please contact support."  Escalated t...

  • 2 Replies

Last year we used Respondus as our lockdown browser.  Several teachers created Quizzes that require Respondus.  This year, we no longer use it and the teacher's quizzes are still requiring it.  Is there a way to remove the requirement since we no lon...

  • 4 Replies

PowerSchool finally released a version of PT Pro that allows teachers to create their own custom grade scale. The majority of our teachers in the Secondary schools use custom grade scales, so this was a welcomed enhancement. Now that school has start...

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