How do I change the contact email for an issuer?

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Hello. I created an issuer yesterday and had to use my personal work email address as the contact address. I would really like to change it to a company address. How would I go about doing that? I have added the company address as an owner of the organization but it doesn't show up in the drop down menu.

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1 Solution

Hello, @gilcrequecw! How can you change the issuer email address to someone else's address? Excellent question! 

Short answer: If you log in to the account associated with the company email address, you'll be able to add it as the issuer email.

Longer answer: As you've already noticed, you can only add email addresses you've added to your Credentials account as the issuer contact email. However, anyone you add as an owner or editor can edit the issuer. When they log in to their own account, they can change the contact email to any email address they've added to their Credentials account. 

As an example, let’s say you want to create an issuer for a specific program, and the contact email should be for the program lead. The program lead isn’t an organization administrator, so they can’t create new issuers. You can create an issuer, but you can’t add someone else’s email address as the contact email. What to do?

Create the issuer using your own email address as the contact email. Then, add the program lead to the issuer as either an owner or editor. Send the program lead a quick note letting them know you've created the issuer, and tell them to edit the issuer to change the email. We've created a template you're welcome to use: Edit issuer template 

In your case, you want the contact email for an issuer to be the same generic address used for your organization. Creating and verifying an account under that address is the first step. The second step is adding the new account to the issuer as an owner or editor. Well done on having done both of these already. Next, log in to that account and edit the issuer. You'll be able to change the contact email to the generic address.

(Note for Canvas Credentials subscribers: Adding the account as an org admin will provide the account with an owner role in all issuers, which can be more efficient than adding it to issuers individually.) 

I hope this helps. Let us know if you have any additional questions!

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