Adding lti 1.3 custom tool to existing page

Community Explorer

We are having problems with adding a lti 1.3 custom tool to an existing page in a course. The custom tool performs as expected when included during the initial creation of a course page. However, if we save the page and attempt to edit it by adding the custom tool through the editor button, we are not able to add the custom tool.

We have tried to rollback the tool to a version we know has been working, however it is no longer working. 

We do post messages to the platformStorage, for tools that are added prior to saving the page for the first time, this works well. We get the response from platformStorage and the tool is redirected to the launch.

When trying to add the tool to the exisitng page, we post message to the platformStorage, but we do not receive a response and the tool is not redirected (as it is waiting for the response) 


Is anyone experiencing the same with custom lti 1.3 tool added through the editor button, on an existing page


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