First steps in a degree project supported by Canvas (or how to use Canvas to facilitate administrative processes)

Community Champion

During 2019 I have been trying to use Canvas to help support the degree project process (for students, faculty, and administrators). One of the latest parts of this effort has been to look at some of the administrative decisions and actions that occur at the start of the process. A document about this can be found at (a PDF is attached). The code can be found in SinatraTest21.rb at This code makes use of user custom data in conjunction with a dynamic survey (realized via an external LTI tool) and the administrative decision and action part of the process utilizes custom columns in the gradebook and automatically creating sections and adding a given student to the relevant section.

The Ruby code in LTI tool uses a token to access the Canvas API from the LTI tool to put values into the custom columns in the gradebook - this is probably not the best approach, but worked for the purpose of this prototype.

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