Is course_id (for outcomes) same is SIS Id?

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Hello CDG, I'm new to Canvas API.

I'm looking for clarification on whether the course_id described here (Outcomes csv import documentation) is the same as a SIS Id?

If so, how is importing outcomes handled when two sections (with different SIS IDs) are bound together?

If not, how can I retrieve all course_id s for my organization?

My goal is to import and assign outcomes to courses for my entire organization.

Thanks in advance for your time and consideration!


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I can see where the confusion might come from.  In SIS import files, the course_ID field refers to the SIS ID.  In this case, the documentation shows that this field is a number, which leads me to believe that it's referencing the Canvas course ID (what you see in your address bar).  To pull a list of course ID's for all of your courses, you'll probably want to use the API call to list all courses in an account and pull the course ID from there.  get /v1/accounts/{account_id}/courses.  Alternatively, you can also find this information in the course provisioning report.  I hope this helps.

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