Limited Developer Key?

Community Explorer

Dear all,

I'd like to use OAuth2. Is it necessary to have a root-level access key to use it?

I work at Luleå University of Technology, which is hosted by Instructure. I went to the page Canvas Developer Key Request

and I saw this: "If you are a Canvas customer, see your Canvas Admin to issue a developer key in your Canvas instance." However, when I asked them about a Developer Key they said that they didn't want to give me root-access. I don't need root-level access. All I would need is the same permissions that I have myself. However, since we are new to Canvas at my university, I thought to ask here. Smiley Happy

Preferably, I'd also like to be able to create links for the students using their sis_user_id as a parameter to an external program, or even better, also include some key.

