Temporary Solution for Updating LTI 1.3 on beta/test servers
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08:46 AM
We have a temporary solution for updating LTI 1.3 tools on beta and test, until Instructure comes up with a solution.
I'm QA, not a developer, so this is really simple code using ruby, watir and a csv file, but it does the job.
I have a class which contains the login information, browser info, and the base urls. I have a csv file for each server, (beta and test), which contains the data we need for each tool to update, and because we have tools in different nodes, it also has the account id which needs to be in the URL when accessing the developer keys.
require_relative 'connect'
require 'csv'
server = 'beta'
# class with the browser/login information
c = Connection.new(server)
browser = c.browser
#file containing values that need to be updated
use_file = 'update_files/beta_updates.csv'
# Canvas login code goes here
# After successful login, this starts the key updates
CSV.foreach(use_file, headers:true) do |row|
account = row['account']
key_edit = row['key_edit']
key_name = row['key_name']
redirect_uris = row['redirect_uris']
target_link_uri = row['target_link_uri']
oidc_initiation_url = row['oidc_initiation_url']
public_jwk_url = row['public_jwk_url']
domain = row['domain']
dev_keys_url = "#{c.dev_keys_base}#{account}/developer_keys"
# dev keys
browser.goto dev_keys_url
browser.button(value: "#{key_edit}").scroll.to
browser.button(value: "#{key_edit}").click
#on dev key page - make sure key name matches
if browser.text_field(name: 'developer_key[name]').value == "#{key_name}"
#Redirect URIs
browser.textarea(name: 'developer_key[redirect_uris]').set "#{redirect_uris}"
#Target Link URI
browser.text_field(name: 'target_link_uri').set "#{target_link_uri}"
#OpenID Connect Initiation Url
browser.text_field(name: 'oidc_initiation_url').set "#{oidc_initiation_url}"
#Public JWK URL
browser.text_field(name: 'public_jwk_url').set "#{public_jwk_url}"
#Additional Settings
browser.button(visible_text: 'Additional Settings').click
sleep 1
browser.text_field(name: 'domain').set "#{domain}"
#Close the Canvas warning banner
browser.button(class: "element_toggler Button--icon-action").click
browser.button(visible_text: 'Save').click
sleep 1
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