What is "participation"?

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Community Novice

Pulling course-level participation data, using the GET /api/v1/courses/:course_id/analytics/activity API call, returns both "participations" and "views" hash keys.


However, I'm not clear on what each of these objects counts. The API description says:

Returns page view hits and participation numbers grouped by day through the entire history of the course. Page views is returned as a hash, where the hash keys are dates in the format “YYYY-MM-DD”. The page_views result set includes page views broken out by access category. Participations is returned as an array of dates in the format “YYYY-MM-DD”.

This makes me think that the "views" hash key returns how many time a page was viewed on a given day. But, this must be different than participation. What is the participations hash key counting?

1 Solution
Community Novice

Howdy dhagood,

I have done a bit of sleuthing around and found that  @kona  pulled this information together in https://community.canvaslms.com/thread/10940#comment-62845 that I think would cover this off (I have copied her response below).

The participation score would be generated as a result of these activities (from my understanding).

Hope it helps!



From this guideHow do I view Course Analytics? - it appears that [participation] depends on which type of course content you're looking at.


The following user actions will generate analytics course participation:

  • Announcements: posts an announcement (instructor)
  • Announcements: posts a new comment to an announcement
  • Assignments: updates an assignment's settings or description (instructor)
  • Assignments: submits an assignment (student)
  • Collaborations: loads a collaboration to view/edit a document
  • Conferences: joins a web conference
  • Discussions: posts a new comment to a discussion
  • Pages: creates a wiki page
  • Quizzes: submits a quiz (student)
  • Quizzes: starts taking a quiz (student)Calendar: updates a calendar event's settings or description (instructor)

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