Allow Annotation of PDF Documents Directly In The Canvas App

  This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas


  Idea will be open for vote Wed. October 7, 2015 - Wed. January 6, 2016  Learn more about voting...


I recently saw an archived idea (listed at the end of this listing). I am sad to see that it was archived with only 42 votes (I just leaned about voting today...brand new here). I would like to reemphasize a use case.


In today's paperless classroom it is useful to gather information from students through writing. Specifically in the K-12 arena, where we still sometimes ask students to fill out worksheets to show certain level of mastery of fact based work such as mathematics and grammar. While K-12 education should be striving to change from multiple choice tests and simple drill and kill to cognitive mastery, there are still cases where this type of assignment can be useful at reemphasizing skills. Furthermore, while speed grader does give the ability to the teacher to quickly click through rubrics or embed notes there are times teachers would like to "write" directly on student submissions. Adding in an annotation feature helps in both of these situations. Annotation features could also be used for signatures of documents passed back and forth for things such as field trips and other permission based files teachers may wish to send home with students.


For younger children especially, it is hard to advocate for using separate apps. Having one application that does viewing of pdf files and annotation would cut down tremendously on downtime used to submit and view documents. It would also tie well with the offline files feature that Canvas has already implemented for uses where internet is not reliable or homes which have no internet.


I would like to see the archived idea reopened for a vote. There are many competing products out that already do this sort of annotation. Our school is actually moving from a different product to Canvas because we want a more full blown LMS for online courses in the future. My teachers are all still under beginning phases of training and would all vote for the feature if it were opened up again. That would be 80+ more votes for implementation.


Student assignment annotation on mobile by Hilary Scharton




  Comments from Instructure


For more information, take a look at the release notes:

Canvas by Instructure Release Notes (iOS 3.15)

Canvas by Instructure Release Notes (Android 5.5) 

Community Explorer

It is fantastic!  I am currently writing up a how-to for my teachers.  I have a few that started yesterday and have been emailing constantly about how awesome it is.  I appreciate you guys creating this feature.

I need the same thing in the speed grader app for the teachers to grade the assignments.

Community Team
Community Team

The update is such great news, isn't it?! We're rolling it out to students over the weekend. I'm so excited for the updated workflow.

I need the same thing in the speed grader app for the teachers to grade the assignments.

I can't agree more. That would be amazing. Smiley Happy

Community Participant

This is also on their radar because there was an idea that was submitted previously.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Release notes live here.

Thank you, everyone, for your awesome ideas and great support! 

Hilary Smiley Happy

Community Team
Community Team
  This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

For more information, take a look at the release notes:

Canvas by Instructure Release Notes (iOS 3.15)

Canvas by Instructure Release Notes (Android 5.5) 

Community Coach
Community Coach

Have just tried this and I am very very impressed indeed - next stop the same with Office files :O)

Have only one slight niggle - I have added in an image but unlike the other features, I don't seem to be able to select it and move it around the page?

Using iPad iOS app.

Can anyone do this?

Community Team
Community Team

Live Demo of Student Annotations scheduled for Thursday, October 6th.

RSVP now!  Mobile Annotations: Quick Demo

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

That is strange, I will look into that.

Community Contributor

We had the same experience, when we took a photo it placed it on the page and we could not move or edit it in any way.

Community Coach
Community Coach

The annotation of PDFs works like a dream.

I tried to see what would happen if I sent up a Word file thinking that the annotation feature might be Box/Crocadoc related.

As expected it does not work but it does beg the question, if it can work for PDF then why not any other file or is PDF special in some way

The reduction in workflow with this feature is brilliant but I also know that if teachers were able to attach Word files, images etc for annotation then this would cut even more steps and engage even more?