How do I create a new idea in the Instructure Community?
You can submit a new feature idea through the Ideas space specific to each product family. The Idea feature allows users to initiate conversations about improvements or enhancements to Instructure product functionality, but they are just one of many feedback resources considered by Instructure product teams during the feature development process. Ideas are found in the Roadmap section of each product menu or from product landing pages throughout the Community. Learn more about the feature idea process.
- Please follow all guidelines and policies for submitting a new idea or your idea may be archived or you may be asked to revise your idea.
- To create a new idea in the Instructure Community, you must be ranked as a Member or above. Community members with the Community Novice rank cannot create new ideas. Learn more about Community ranks.
Open Product Landing Page

To open the Ideas space for a product, in the Global Navigation menu, click the Products drop-down menu [1].
To view all Ideas and submit ideas for that product, click the name of the product for which you have feedback [2].
You can also access the Ideas space for each product family directly using the following links:
Open Ideas

On the product landing page, click the Ideas button.
View Existing Ideas
Before posting your idea, check to see if your idea or a version of your idea has already been suggested.
By default, you can view all existing ideas in the Ideas feed [1].
By default, ideas are sorted by date created. To sort and filter ideas by status, product, and date, use the filter drop-downs [2].
Search Existing Ideas
By default, the search bar returns only results from the Community Ideas space [1].
To search for ideas by keyword, enter keywords in the Search field [2].
To view an idea, click the idea title [3].
To view paginated results including more search results, press the Enter key (on a PC) or the Return key (on a Mac).
Note: To avoid unwanted search results when searching existing ideas, avoid entering common words such as articles ("a", "the", "an", etc.).
Subscribe to an Idea
To monitor activity for an idea, in the idea page, click the More Options icon [1]. Then, click the Subscribe link [2].
Start a New Idea

To create a new idea, click the Submit an Idea button.
Note: You must be logged into the Instructure Community and have at least the Community Member rank to suggest an idea.
Check New Idea

Enter a subject for your new idea in the Subject field [1]. Be sure to write a clear and descriptive idea subject.
To check if similar ideas have already been submitted, click the Check Title button [2].

The Community platform automatically searches for similar ideas using keywords in your idea subject. If you see a similar idea, click the idea title to rate and comment on the idea. Duplicate ideas are merged into existing ideas. To view additional search results for similar ideas, click the View more results link [1].
If your idea has not been suggested previously, click the My topic hasn't been posted before checkbox [2]. To continue posting your idea, click the Continue and Post button [3].
Submit New Idea

Complete all fields in the New Idea form:
Idea Subject: Enter a descriptive subject title.
- Non-descriptive subject line: Fix discussion threads
- Better subject line: Add a manual read/unread toggle to discussion threads
- Non-descriptive subject line: Make pages better
- Better subject line: Text wrap around images on pages
- Select a Product: Select the product for your idea.
- Select all applicable user roles: Click the role checkboxes for roles that would be impacted by this idea.
- Problem to Solve: Using the prompts, state your idea clearly and concisely. Remember that you are asking many different Community members with varying backgrounds to read and consider what you write. Make sure other readers can understand why you want the option to do something in the Instructure product.
- Proposed Solution: State the desired outcome or goal in clear and concise terms. This helps product managers and engineers consider the best ways to incorporate the idea into the existing product.
To submit your idea, click the Submit Idea button.
Note: Please follow all guidelines and policies for submitting a new idea or your idea may be archived or you may be asked to revise your idea.
Subscribe or Bookmark your Idea

To view the options for your idea, click the Options icon [1].
By default, you are automatically subscribed to ideas you create. Subscriptions allow you to receive email updates whenever users interact with your idea . To unsubscribe from your idea, click the Unsubscribe option [2].
To bookmark your idea, click the Bookmark option [3]. Bookmarks enable you to list your idea on a special page so you can easily find it again.
Your continued support and participation in the Community forums are very valuable to Instructure, our products, and the user experience. We urge you to keep sharing, commenting, and rating.