Allowing Export gradebook by section(s)

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

Reposting an old request that we made last year. Now that we have fully transitioned to Canvas. It is becoming increasingly clear that this is a feature that is needed in Canvas.


We have some very large classes in our university with a large amount of sections that we crosslist into one course such as 100/200 level Chemistry, Physics or Speech classes. Said course would have a series of instructor who are each responsible for their own sections. An instructor could be responsible for 4 sections totaling 200 students but would only like to export the grades and work on the students in section A (50ish students). That is not currently possible as exporting the gradebook export everyone in the sections you are assigned to at the very best and export everyone in all the section if the flag isn't set so that they can only see the students in their section.


When instructors select a specific section in their gradebook to view and Canvas shows them that section and its students in the gradebook. The expected behavior would be for the Export button to export the dataset that is being displayed at that point. Which is just that one section's gradebook. That is currently not possible.


To take this idea one step further, it would be ideal to allow instructors to check the section of the course that they would like to export. An instructor could check Section A, C, D and F out of Section A-G and only export those 4 sections to a csv file.


Rob Ditto mentioned on the last idea post that this used to be possible at one point. Hopefully this idea could be re-added.

Community Novice

That's a great idea. For me at least, gradebook filters are almost useless without a corresponding Export function.

Community Explorer

I'm adding a comment in hopes of improving the idea's location on the radar.  My organization would use this feature nearly every day.  The feature even seems to be half-built, in that there's a dropdown in Individual View to select a section, with a "Download Current Scores (.csv)" below it.  But that download is the whole gradebook, not the selected section.

Community Participant

I second this comment

Community Member

Is there any way we could really push for this feature?  I see that there was 227 votes for this feature.  That should be enough to initiate the creation of this feature.  I asked about this feature last May and haven't heard since Renee responded.  I'm really hoping to have this feature implemented by the start of the new school year.  

Community Team
Community Team

Hi  @gmontgomery 

Thanks for the shout out.  Sorry you've experienced silence here, but it really is because there is no update at this time.  We will post here if/when there is an update, so keep following!

Community Novice

I could really use an option in the Grade Book to export grades by groups of students (By Section).   I have approx 200 students per year and they are broken up into Sections.  Currently, I can select the Section in the grade book.  However, when I export, CANVAS exports all 200 students.  As a result, I manually sort the s/sheet down to the specific students in the Section that I am working with.  It would be ideal if I can export the Section of students vs all the students.    Keep me posted.  Thanks!

Community Member

I agree with Helen Chong.  I have 354 students (10 classes).  This feature will save me a big headache if I can export by the section.  

Community Novice

I agree. I have 300 students in one class and need this feature.  D2L has this feature.  You can export by groups, you can also pick the assignments you want exported.  Both of those features would be nice so that you do not have to look at an entire gradebook file with every export.

Community Team
Community Team

The Radar idea stage has been removed from the Feature Idea Process.  You can read more about why in the blog post Adaptation: Feature Idea Process Changes.


This change will only impact the stage sort of this idea and will not change how it is voted on or how it is considered during prioritization activities.  This change will streamline the list of ideas 'open for voting', making it easier for you to see the true top voted ideas in one sort, here.

Community Member

Even though I combine the Canvas courses for different sections, I must report on them individually to the college when I report grades.  Not being able to download a CSV file by section, in addition to being a lot more work for me, runs the risk that I make an error and the wrong grade is reported.