[Announcements] Announcements: Lock to home

Certain announcements are critical to the classroom success and having them always present on the front page previews would be ideal to maintain their classroom visibility.  We’d like a checkbox option in the announcement settings that would allow for the instructor or admin to lock that announcement to the home page.  While the settings may allow for the 5 most recent to be shown on the front page, if an announcement was locked to the home, that announcement would be visible and then the other 4 most recent would be visible, regardless of the posting date.

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Community Novice

It would be nice to be able to assign a priority in announcement. If I wanted to, for example, put a particular announcement on top of and before other daily announcements, it would be good to assign it a value. 

Community Member

Yes, I've wanted to pin my Welcome announcement and multiple announcements about upcoming events and TA availability at the top of Announcement's (and thus at the top of the Home page) all year long plus, from March 2020 until now, August 2021...

So, how do we get this back in the revision pipeline?

Community Explorer

It would be great to be able to tag an announcement to remain pinned at the top.  We already use the setting to show the latest 3 announcements, but we sometimes need to keep an announcement visible and want to prevent it from being pushed down by later announcements.

Community Participant

I have my home page (modules) set to show three announcements. I'd like one of them (the one with information about how to meet with me) to always show. Adding an ability to pin an announcement would be really helpful. 

Community Member

I have an important pin as a reminder at the top of my classes. As I post other announcements, it moves down and out of sight. I would love to be able to pin this one so it stays at the top.

Community Member

I think this is a great idea. Of course, the word "lock" already has a specific meaning in regards to Announcements. Some here have pointed out that the word "pin" is more commonly used for what is being described.

That being said, it would be great if we could Pin an Announcement (or two) to the top of the list/page. This is a very common and useful tool.

Community Participant

I agree that it would be very helpful to lock an Announcement.

An earlier comment mentions that if the information is so important as to be pinned, that it could be on a page and link on the Home Page.

Some instructors choose to have Assignments as the Home Page. The option to pin an announcement would allow us to make the most of this option.

Community Member

Having the ability to pin announcements to the top of the page for however long we need them to be there would be a huge game changer. 

For example, I have a massive, term-long assignment for my online course and having the ability to have an announcement at the top of the page where students could ask questions and visually see when there's a response or more questions/information would be extremely helpful. 

(responding to this because I don't know how to suggest this and hoping this new reply pushes it up somehow)

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