[Announcements] Start and End Dates

This idea has been developed and is On Canvas Beta •  How do I access the Canvas beta environment?

For more information, please read through the Canvas Deploy Notes (2024-07-03) 

I would like to be able to put an end date on my announcements at the time I create the announcement.  Then, for example, the announcement I make about textbooks at the start of the semester could be hidden within two weeks.  I do not want to have to remember to go back and hide the announcements.

Community Novice

I agree with everyone else's comments - if Blackboard could do it I expect Canvas to be able to do it. I hope they add this feature soon!

Community Novice

I agree. After being off this summer I was hopeful this had been changed. What a disappoint to see it has not. We all love to close these announcements when needed and Canvas should implement that feature asap. Students don't want to see a lot of announcements still up.


Julie Brooks-Fason

Psychology and Sociology Lead Instructor

Lake-Sumter State College

South Lake Campus

Bldg. 2, Office 322

Phone: 352-536-2264


Community Explorer

I agree. This would be helpful. I actually would prefer that the announcement not be deleted completely in case I teach this class again. My difficulty with announcements is that certain ones get "buried" and students are unable to find them.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Just to clarify a little on the admin thing.

Admins do not have an option/button to publish or unpublish course announcements or add a close date to a course announcement. We see the same options (in a course) as a teacher.

That said, the options at the Global Announcement level are start date and end date [along with some other options like domain and announcement type]. There is no publish or unpublish button for Global Announcements. What we have do have is the ability to edit the end date which will then hide the announcement. Once it is published it is available until either: (a) the end date (b) it's deleted or (c) the end date is changed.

Community Explorer

As far as I can see there it's still not possible to fill in an end date on an announcement. We have multiple teachers working with multiple section in a course. It's very annoying and user unfriendly that announcements won't disappear by date. Most of the times an announcement is only needed before the next lesson or so. If there's a trick to do this I would love to hear about it. 

Community Member

Hi Jean-Pierre,

There is no fix that I am aware of at the moment. The way I work around the issue is I have an un-published discussion thread in my course and I call it "saved announcement". It copies in to my class each semester. When I want to post an announcement I used the prior term I copy/paste the text in to the Announcements page; after about one week I delete the announcement (but of course it is still saved in my unpublished discussion thread for next semester).

Community Explorer

Thanks a lot for your reply Brian. It still would be very helpfull if they added an end-date to an anouncement indeed.
By the way: been to Valencia several times. One of my favorite cities 😉

Community Member

Yes, Canvas! Please add an end date for Announcements for all the reasons provided by voters of this post! Other LMSs provide this feature and it would be a great addition!

Community Novice

Yes, please add the ability to "hide from students/not send" announcements and to schedule them  with a send/appear, and hide/disappear date and time feature. 

Community Member

I would like to be able to re-order my announcements. The last announcement that I write and publish becomes the first announcement that students see, and vice-versa. I would like to be able to order my announcements as I determine.

Jim Reynolds