[Assignments] Allow Moderated Grading of Group Assignments
As the title suggests, the idea is to allow moderated grading for group assignments. Currently, if the assignment is selected to be a group assignment, the moderated grading option cannot be enabled.
Use case: In courses where students are split into groups, to allow instructors to review TA’s grades and comments before posting them.
Current workaround: We use Microsoft Planner where after grading the group assignment, the TA manually creates a task called “Review Assignment 1 grades and comments” and assigns it to the instructor, but I was hoping if there was a better way to do something like this within canvas.
I'm suggesting a workflow for grading of group assignments that involves the following steps:
1. The grade posting policy is set to Manual.
2. A course TA grades the assignment.
3. Once the TA completes grading, it must remain in the course instructor's Canvas to-do list to review the TA's grades and comments.
4. The instructor reviews and modifies the grades as needed (these changes should be tracked!) and finally posts them.
Currently, when the TA completes grading, it clears off from the to-do list despite the grades not being published for the students to view, which means the instructor would have remember to search for the assignments manually to review them. A less ideal alternative: Allow admins, instructors and TAs of courses to add tasks in each others’ to-do lists.