[Assignments] Disable comments for students when submitting assignments

Problem statement:

A lot of students in our large competitive course are using the comment function when submitting their assignments to try and influence the marker and the grade receive by the marker.

Proposed solution:

Have a function when setting up the assignment to be able to disable student comments totally regardless of it is when submitting the assignments, during the marking process with the marks manually posted, or after the marks have been posted.

User role(s):


Community Member
Problem statement:

There isn't an option in Canvas to prevent students from writing their assignments or attaching assignments in the comment section. This is problematic, especially when it's after the due date. Even with clear instructions that late assignments are not accepted after the due dates, they feel that as long as they can add it to the system (via the comment box), then instructors must consider it. Additionally, when creating a no submission assignment, even with clear instructions, students still attempt to upload or write something in the comment box.

Proposed solution:

When creating an assignment, under the "Submission Type," add one more option: "Disable student comments on this assignment"

User role(s):


Community Member
Problem statement:

Students are using the comment feature in assignments to submit assignments in the incorrect format and/or after the due date. For large enrollment courses, this causes chaos for graders.

Proposed solution:

Please allow instructors to disable the comment feature for students in assignments. Students should be able to view comments, but not respond to them.

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