[Assignments] Grading for Completion
Within Canvas assignments, I would like the option to create questions where credit is awarded for completion only (and not correctness). Students should not be able to view that these questions are graded for completion only. For example, I would like students to show their work on science calculation problems, but I don't want to manually grade every instance of this (grading file upload questions is particularly cumbersome).
To accomplish this, I would like to create file upload questions where students upload their calculation steps. When Canvas grades the assignment, it automatically assigns full credit if a file is present. I will ask students to input their final answers into fields that are auto graded for correctness (such as those for formula questions), so the entire assignment would be auto graded. This option would also allow me to incorporate more extended response questions, even when the grading burden makes it prohibitive. I would do this by creating assignments with mix of extended response types, some questions that are graded for completion and others that are graded for accuracy. The assignment instructions would include a statement that only some questions will be graded for accuracy (without detailing which ones). I have a 180 students so I need to manage my time wisely.