[Assignments] Log files that show all edits an instructor has made on an assignment since they creating it?

Problem statement:

An instructor would want to see the history of all instructor-made modification of an assessment, whether it is a quiz or assignment, basically a log file that shows who did what and when to an assignment. Please follow Instructure Case #09772826 [] [ ref:_00DA0Ibsk._5003m1VhffU:ref ]

Proposed solution:

Proposed solution. Every assessment should have a log file that shows what and when an instructor modified an assessment. including any imports in that assessment. Why. To answer the instructor's query as seen below <>

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Added to Theme

Community Member

Sorry, the "Why" part of the solution was automatically deleted when I put in the "<<>>" symbols.

Here is the Why part again.

Is there a way to see my Assignment 2 revision history or dates I edited it? Or which term I imported it from? I have a student that submitted and answer to an instruction from a past year. I want to see if I can tell if there is a chance I imported an old assignment and they were able to see the instructions before I updated them, or if they got the answers from a friend. I may have hit publish too early, or they are resubmitting old work...
Status changed to: Added to Theme
Community Member
Problem statement:

There is not currently an option to view an old version of an assignment or discussion. There is the Page History option for pages. For example, if you make a mistake in writing an assignment, you can restore it to a previous version. This would be helpful.

Proposed solution:

Create a similar function to pages in assignments and discussions that allows users to view edit history.

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