[Assignments] More sensible parsing of date and time entries
I'm an instructor setting up assignments in Canvas. Can Canvas get better at interpreting what I type in for due dates and times? If I type "9/20" instead of September 20 it assumes I mean 9:20am today. If I type "9/20/23 8am" it again assumes I mean 9:20am today. (?) If I type "9/20 8:00am" it assumes I mean 9am today. (??) If I type "9/20 8:00" instead of September 20 of this year it assumes I meant 1908. (!!)
An effective natural language parser that works with date/time inputs that come naturally to users would seem like low-hanging fruit to improve the user experience of the platform. Modern apps that require such input (like calendar apps) handle this much more adroitly. "9/20 8am" should work without having to specify the year first or reach for the mouse, in my opinion.