[Assignments] Move or Delete Incorrectly Submitted Assignments

If a student submits an assignment to say week 2 folder when it should have been submitted to week 3, currently there is no way to move that assignment to the correct location as the Teacher.  This core functionality exists in all other LCS.LMS and should be considered for inclusion in Canvas's core modules.


Brought over from the old Canvas Community

Submitted by: Michael Black

Date: 6/3/2011

Votes: 112

Community Team
Community Team


This is a very unique case.  Have you contacted support through the help menu of Canvas to see if they can remove the content?  Let me know if you need help.

Community Contributor


I am in a support role for teachers using canvas and they have started asking about this feature.  This would be a very useful enhancement especially for younger students.

Community Member

i must say, it is rather ridiculous that this issue was "archived"-
since the entire california community college system is using this LMS-
you need to start listening to what the users need, and having the abilty to delete or move submissions is key-

if you need to have a "record" of submissions, then do so. but not having the ability to move /delete submissions is causing a lot of headaches for students and instructors.

Community Team
Community Team

Greetings  @tjonas  

This idea is currently open for voting, and has been for a while.  I think you are referencing the comment made here, when you're talking about the archived status?  This idea was archived for a while, but that was with a different process.  We have since made Changes to the feature idea processes (2/24/17), and this idea was reopened at that time.  

During the time the idea was in archive status there was another similar idea submitted.  You can find it at https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/4394-delete-submissions-by-students" modifiedtitle="true" titl....  I am talking with Chris Hofer now to see if he would like this idea to remain open, or if we should direct all votes and comments to the other idea (we can't merge ideas, or we would!).


Community Explorer

It says it is open for voting, but it doesn't increment the count when I vote it up.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Try voting down and then back up again.  Sometimes the vote buttons can be a bit difficult.  🙂

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

gasstationwithoutpumps, your upvote has been tallied.


Community Contributor

Another use case - A student in a nursing course inadvertently uploaded confidential patient information from a real person. Obviously this is an infringement of HIPAA laws, and we had to seek Canvas help to get it completely removed.  It would be really nice to know we have the ability to get a document such as this off the platform as quickly as possible.   I would think this kind of thing could happen in any class where students might have access to private information. 

Community Contributor

I really hope this gets incorporated into Canvas. It has been such a hassle for me this semester.

Community Explorer

We had exactly the same issue :

we had a student that incorrectly submitted an extension request form that contained some sensitive health information.  We needed to delete this and the instructor had to request to the faculty admin, they then put in a request to me (learning technologist) and then I requested from Canvas.  Canvas then had to have confirmation from my manager.  Meanwhile this document was visible in speedgrader for all instructors to see and causing some distress to the student.  I think that instructors should have the right to delete submissions when required.