[Assignments] Move or Delete Incorrectly Submitted Assignments

If a student submits an assignment to say week 2 folder when it should have been submitted to week 3, currently there is no way to move that assignment to the correct location as the Teacher.  This core functionality exists in all other LCS.LMS and should be considered for inclusion in Canvas's core modules.


Brought over from the old Canvas Community

Submitted by: Michael Black

Date: 6/3/2011

Votes: 112

Community Member

I agree. Sometimes our students submit in the wrong place. That would be very helpful.


Community Member

I am informed by our local Canvas administrators that a document that a student accidentally uploaded to the wrong place on my course site cannot be removed. (The document was supposed to be uploaded to assignment #1 and was accidentally uploaded to assignment #2.) When I pushed back we eventually got the document removed, but apparently they cannot reset things, and so the assignment still shows up in my to-do list even though there is now no document to grade.

What I am suggesting is that there be a relatively easy way for *someone* -- the student, the instructor, somebody -- to complete remove a mis-submitted document and for the system to forget that the mistaken document was ever submitted, so that it would stop showing up in my to-do list.

Community Member

It's really absurd that Canvas lacks this basic feature. It wastes a lot of my time whenever a student uploads the wrong file for an assignment.

Community Member

It would be nice to be able to return assignments to students or move them to the correct assignment when a student submits something in the wrong area. It is misleading to parents and students if they see the submission icon, but do not read the comment they have posted to the wrong assignment. 

Community Explorer

@Renee_Carney @canvas_admin 

Hi there

Glad to know that I'm not the only one who has students incorrectly uploading assessments and assessment evidence.

It would be awesome for Admins to have permissions to:

  • remove the incorrect submission (once reviewed)
  • have a option added to select in the speed grader (similar to how we can choose "late, excused etc") - something like 'error in submission upload'.  This would lesson confusion for  for teachers when marking and would provide correct information in the student's gradebooks

This would also stop having to apply work-arounds, and be time saving.

Kind regards


Community Novice

The teacher cannot currently delete a single assignment submitted by one student.  You can only delete the whole assignment for the whole class. It'd be helpful to be able to delete 1 assignment for 1 student because sometimes students upload an assignment to the wrong link.  If teachers could delete that assignment, the correct one could be uploaded.  Currently, we have to ask the student to email us the correct assignment.

Community Explorer

Have people seriously been asking for this feature since 2011??? And Canvas hasn't done it yet??? I know that an admin can do it now, but I'm not going to go to my admin EVERY SINGLE TIME that a student uploads an assignment to the wrong portal. 

Community Contributor

And we may well have situations where the student has made a submission, with a viable file, but a technical error renders the file blank / 0kb (which may well sit with Instructure as whilst speculatively discussed - no cause is properly concluded).  

Sending files by email or tweaking one students so that they can submit again to a new deadline don't work with many processes / institutional policies / regulations. Act As doesn't help, as the student's deadline has passed.

I genuinely though Instructure / Canvas was about the student experience - and yet the apparent reluctance to implement a feature available in other LMS' seems to be a clear obstacle to us (the customer) being able to support the (our) student experience?

Community Member

Yes, this feature is incredibly needed. 

Community Member

I forgot to click the group grade option when creating an assignment. Luckily I caught it after one group submitted early, but because you can't alter group settings after any submissions I can't fix it without deleting the entire assignment and recreating it. If I had been able to delete that one submission it would have been much easier to fix the problem.