[Assignments] Submit an assignment on behalf of a student

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

As an instructor, I'd like the option to submit assignments on behalf of my students. This feature should enable me to pick a file from my computer and upload it as a submission for a given student. I should then be able to assess the submission just as if the student had submitted it themselves. A note should appear somewhere that indicates I submitted the assignment on behalf of my student. This would help me in cases where, for instance, my students submit an assignment on paper or the submission is a performance (a speech or presentation) that I capture on video.


transferred from the old Community

Originally posted by: Bill Hanna
Special thanks for contributions by: Paul Gibbons, Sydney Cheek-O'Donnell, Kona Jones, Stefanie Sanders

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Community Novice

this would be great to deal with students who forget to submit quizzes that would allow a much cleaner grading scheme as I have a large number of quizzes that only have items to be submitted "on paper" and I use the quiz to organize the grading and student feedback.  Please add this feature.

Community Explorer

The assignment/quiz features for submission are really quite intuitive and I generally like the whole set-up. Nevertheless, in a large class (especially when it comes to exams/quizzes), there is inevitably one or two students who have troubles uploading the document into the grading area. I then advise them to send me an email message with the file as an attachment.

Of course, I can upload such a file in the commentary section of an assignment or quiz, but I would like the ability to actually load it into the grading section so it appears similar in every way to all of the other students' uploaded documents. (I think this is especially important on tests. It is somewhat confusing to have students' tests as commentaries but it is the best place to put them at the moment. This would all be moot if I were able to upload it to the grading section just as if I were the actual student.)

I hope this makes sense. If there is already some way to manage this, I haven't yet discovered it.


Community Member

Add me to the list that would like this feature.

Community Novice

It looks like instructors have been asking for this since 2015.  It really needs to be implemented.

Community Novice

This is a very old request, and feel fairly high priority for me. There are many many cases where things didn't go through as a regular submission, for whatever reason, and whenever I meet one of those cases it is a big pain for me to be able to get written feedback to the student.

Community Novice

Yes, please add this feature. This is actually something you can do in Blackboard (I'm new to Canvas, which I like better than Bb). 

This is very useful so I can help the students who are new to the technology.

Community Participant

We need this and the facility to work under anonymous marking conditions

Community Participant



Every time I come looking for answers, I keep reading "Blackboard can do this" but Canvas is only "considering" it ... for years ... 

Community Member

Is there actually anyone from Canvas reading these posts? During a period of online learning it is astonishing that Canvas has not upped their game and looked into supporting teachers. We have been working online since March 2020 and being able to upload work for students would make my job so much easier.

Hello...Canvas....are you listening?

Community Participant

Yes to this comment:

"…or when some knucklehead emails me their paper as an attachment and I just want to get it graded and done, rather than get all pedantic about how it was "supposed" to be submitted."