[Assignments] Submit an assignment on behalf of a student

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

As an instructor, I'd like the option to submit assignments on behalf of my students. This feature should enable me to pick a file from my computer and upload it as a submission for a given student. I should then be able to assess the submission just as if the student had submitted it themselves. A note should appear somewhere that indicates I submitted the assignment on behalf of my student. This would help me in cases where, for instance, my students submit an assignment on paper or the submission is a performance (a speech or presentation) that I capture on video.


transferred from the old Community

Originally posted by: Bill Hanna
Special thanks for contributions by: Paul Gibbons, Sydney Cheek-O'Donnell, Kona Jones, Stefanie Sanders

Community Novice

Thanks Linnea. Unfortunately, I've already scanned in their exams (prior to grading). I don't want to scan in again, so I will mark them up with Acrobat. The next step will be to get them back to them. I'll see if I can do what you suggested.

Community Champion

Yeah, if you've already scanned them in that's probably your best option.

On a side note, if you have the scanned exams for the entire class as one file in Acrobat, the best way I've found to break that into individual files for uploading (so students don't see the tests for other students) is to bookmark the first page of each student's test in Acrobat and then have Acrobat split the file by bookmark, using the bookmark names as the file names.

(I also use a naming scheme for my bookmarks that will lead to them being in alphabetical order so as to make it easier to find them when I'm going through in SpeedGrader and attaching the files, but I do that by assigning each student a number and printing those numbers, along with their names, on their tests using a mail merge before passing the tests out in the first place, so it's a little late to adopt that exact process in your case. I then use the a name scheme that indicates the semester, course, exam, student number, 3 letters of student's last name, and one digit of their first name unless that would lead to multiple students having the same letters, in which case I start adding letters. So, for example, John Smith, the 23rd student numerically in the course, taking the third assessment in Semester 2 in Math 8 would have their test titled as "S2A3M8 - 23 SmiJ" for Semester 2, Assessment 3, Math 8, student 23 Smith John. The numbers force correct alphabetical order even when I'm dealing with a mixed pool of Martins and Martinezes, but I generate them before the test by exporting my Canvas gradebook and numbering the class from 1-n using Excel.)

Community Member

Here's a little run-down on the top 10 requests, including this one (asc, up-votes):

Post TitleOpenedTime OpenTotal ViewsUPDOWNUP%
Printable / PDF-exportable quizzes3/31/154 yrs, 11 mo, 30 d35,6082,4612998.84%
Allow folders in Pages11/11/163 yrs, 4 mo, 10 d27,8222,2508296.48%
Multiple Due Dates (checkpoints) for Discussions5/5/154 yrs, 10 mo, 4 d30,2462,2011499.37%
Create Question Banks from MSWord5/17/154 yrs, 10 mo, 16 d36,8251,7282498.63%
Ability to Save and Copy from Frequently Used Comments in Speedgrader/DocViewer5/15/154 yrs, 10 mo, 14 d13,9001,4671099.32%
Regrade quiz when deleting questions9/1/154 yrs, 6 mo, 0 d17,9641,3042098.49%
Notifications by Course10/27/154 yrs, 4 mo, 26 d58,1161,099599.55%
Adjust all assignment and quiz dates on a single page4/7/154 yrs, 11 mo, 6 d19,6811,076999.17%
Submit an assignment on behalf of a student4/14/154 yrs, 11 mo, 13 d21,8461,0422797.47%
Let us schedule a Publish Date / Time for Content Pages11/16/154 yrs, 4 mo, 15 d9,1631,0151298.83%
Community Novice

I have students with accessibility issues who email me their work. I would like to upload it to Canvas and then grade it so the only copy is not in my email. 

Community Novice

Please, please, please consider adding this ASAP! It really shouldn't be that hard and would make many of our lives so much simpler. Particularly now we are in the age of Covid-19 with everyone just wanting their students to submit in any way they can, some with problematic connections.

Community Participant

Have to love all these 2015 ones that are still wanted.. but sadly no action.

Community Novice

I saw a "give a badge" button and clicked on it, but alas, badges are turned off. Just know that you are appreciated for your summary of this request data!

C'mon Instructure! You can do this! What needs to happen for these changes to be implemented...

Community Novice

This could help with students who for some technical or accessibility reason is having problems submitting an assignment.

Community Novice

Please implement this. 

Community Novice

This would be really useful. Currently with the covid-19 lockdown I have a lot of students submitting, who would normally be doing so with me in a lab with them, reminding them that they have 5 mins to save and submit. 

Now I end up with an avalanche of emails claiming "technical difficulties" a few mins after the deadline.