[Attendance] Allow notes on roll call attendance

Problem statement:

I love roll call attendance because it is a great record of who was in the room on a particular day. But, I want it to be MORE useful.  Through the settings, we can set the value for "A lateness counts as what percent of a presence?"  I usually keep my value at 80%.  But, what do we do when a student shows up the last 10 minutes of class or the last 30 minutes of class?  Currently, our option is to make them absent or late.  I'd like to write down what time they entered class.  I'd also like to notate what time a student leaves early (which is not an option).  In addition, I have a second problem.  I'd love to keep notes for class in place that is connected to that SPECIFIC day of class.  What if I want to remember that we didn't finish discussing a documentary?  What if I want to remember that student voted for Option A rather than Option B?  What we we wrote something on the board and I'd like to remember it?  If I was using a PAPER ATTENDANCE, I could write anything I wanted on it.  I could scribble the words "Students do not understand the difference between culture and social structure, return to it next week" and circle it.  When I open up my PAPER ATTENDANCE I'd see my scribble from the previous class circled!  I cannot do this with Roll Call Attenance.  It isn't MY recording device.  It is too limited.  I like it because it MARKS the day and I can run reports but I'd like to use it as a tool to remember anything I want. I want it to be more like a PAPER ATTENDANCE log.       

Proposed solution:

 I propose that roll call can be MORE useful. (1) Sometimes a student rolls into class the last 10 minutes. What if I could write that INTO my roll call attendance as a record. Currently, students can be present, absent, or late but this would allow us to even write a TIME the student arrived. This feature does NOT need to be connected to the particular student. I just want a small space where I can write ANYTHING for that day. (2) Sometimes I want to take notes about what we DID in class as a record. (e.g. Today in class we had a great discussion about X). If we run a report it would have one row/column with our notes for that day.  It would be VERY useful. I need a place to write things down and maintain MY records.

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Community Team
Status changed to: Seeking Clarity

Hi @mdanza -

Thank you for sharing your idea with the Community! Please make sure that your Problem Statement is different from your Proposed Solution. What are the guidelines for submitting a new idea? Once the idea has been edited, it can be reviewed by the Product Team. Thanks!

Community Team
Community Team

Hi! I hope you are doing well!

If you are unable to provide an update regarding this idea by June 14, we will need to archive it to help the Community Team focus on current Ideas. If you need more time, that's okay too! Providing an update before that time would be helpful and appreciated. 

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Status changed to: Will Not Consider
Community Explorer
Problem statement:

Is there a possibility to include brief notes on a student's attendance to keep track of events related to student's attendance? Have had a student that has had to leave class early on a couple of occasions and I am trying not to forget the date and the event, but with most semesters I cannot tie the event to the date if I don't associate the event to a date.

Proposed solution:

Have an area (field) in the roll call function where brief notes can be made. Examples: left early, late due to weather, etc. Thank you

User role(s):


Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Explorer
Problem statement:

Making notations for a student's attendance for example: student has to leave class early

Proposed solution:

Place an expandable text box into each student's attendance file in order to make daily notations.

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