[Blueprint Courses] Prevent Start/End Date Override

Problem statement:

When syncing a blueprint course with associated courses that have start and end dates, the sync removes those start and end dates. Example: Course A is created by the SIS and contains the start and end dates in course settings. The admin associates Blueprint Course A with Course A and performs the sync. After the sync is complete, the start and end dates of Course A are empty.

Proposed solution:

During the blueprint sync process, prevent the existing course start and end dates from being overridden. The reason for this is that blueprint courses are meant to be used and re-used as often as they are needed. Start and end dates should be reserved for the courses that are running live. The purpose of a blueprint is to save the admin time by pushing content to multiple live courses and eliminating the need to touch each live course. As it stands currently, the admin must manually input start and end dates in the live courses after the sync finishes.

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