Case sensitive answers in a quiz

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

When giving a quiz, I would like to see the option to require that an answer have a capital letter. For example, in a fill in he blank question a teacher may be looking for the name of a particular state. The student is required to answer 'California' but if they answer 'california', it is marked correctly. I would like to see the option to require an answer to be case sensitive.

Comments from Instructure

This idea was completed with general availability of Quizzes.Next.  You can find more information about the overall project in the Quizzes.Next User Group.‌

  • Quizzes.Next is now available for all paid accounts.
  • Quizzes.Next documentation will live in the Quizzes.Next User Group until July 14, 2018. On July 14, 2018, all of the documentation will be moved to the Canvas Guides in the Canvas Instructor Guide or Canvas Student Guide
  • Quizzes.Next updates will be included in the Canvas Release Notes. This includes new features, updated features, and relevant fixed bugs. New and updated features will be deployed to Quizzes.Next near the same time as the Canvas release. Fixed bugs may be deployed at any time.
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

That's the right place to follow for updates,  @marianna_pinter ‌! The move toward full solution parity will be incremental, so I hope you'll also follow the Release Notes for updates as they occur.

Community Participant

TBA can hardly count as a release date

Community Team
Community Team

This means we do not have one set yet.  We recognize that sometimes the balance between transparency and expectations can be hard.  We will be posting a dates once we have them finalized.

Community Participant

As of now is still not compatible with the default legacy quiz and transferring banks to item banks is an unreasonable effort. Still users must do it for case sensitive response. An alternative would have been to add a "case sensitive" option to fill-in-the-blank. This is also an option that should have been there without asking for it: because it is basic. 

Community Participant

I moved to because of the case sensitive entry option in fill-in-the-blank. I worked on transferring 100s of question from legacy banks to item banks. . .Then I learned today that does not work with respondus lockdown browser; therefore it cannot be used to administer exams. This makes the case sensitive option in much less of a value. 

I am writing to request to re-open the case sensitive entry vote for the legacy quiz. Case sensitive entry is a basic feature and unfortunately I have to use canvas LMS and the quiz within.

Community Team
Community Team

Hi  @marianna_pinter  

We're not developing in original quizzes.  We are however working toward the Respondus solution in Q.Next.  

Community Participant

This sounds really bad, since does not seems to be anywhere close to be done; and than getting into respondus will take time as well. I wish canvas developers would make some effort to help users.

Community Team
Community Team


Q.Next is getting closer all the time.  The engineers have great empathy for everyone that uses Canvas and they want the feature set to be as robust and complete as possible also.  I know it doesn't help you in the immediate present, but their efforts will in the long run.

Community Participant

You are correct this does not help. 

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New