[Course Settings] After cross-listing the donor course should have a message saying where the students have moved to
This idea has been developed and is On Canvas Beta • How do I access the Canvas beta environment? |
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When a section is cross-listed from one course to another, the donor course no longer has any visible evidence of the section's existence. If as an admin, I'm looking for students in a course that our SIS say they should be in, and I find there is no one in the course, I can tell that the students have been cross-list because there is no section in the course. I can't work out where they have gone, though. Well, I can, but I'd have to do a whole lot more work.
If after cross-listing a section, the section tab could contained a url to the target course It could change from: Design and Production 2 (NOT2151160T5B) ( 29 Users, SIS ID: 164115S ) To: Design and Production 2 (NOT2151160T5B) cross-listed to course 171528 And this text could be a link to course 171528. What the actual text of the link is not a big issue for me, it is the navigation efficiency it delivers that I want.