[Course Settings] Allow Course-Level Control Over Quiz Question Visibility Post-Course End

Problem statement:

Currently, Canvas offers account admins the ability to restrict students from viewing quiz questions after the course end date at the account level. While this setting provides a blanket approach to quiz content visibility, it does not account for the nuanced needs of individual courses or teaching styles. For example, in some courses, particularly those involving cumulative knowledge or certification preparation, teachers may want to allow students to review quiz questions after the course ends to reinforce learning or prepare for external examinations. Conversely, in other settings, teachers may wish to restrict access to preserve the integrity of quiz questions for future course iterations or to prevent sharing of answers. The existing account-level setting does not offer the flexibility needed for teachers to make these decisions based on the specific context of their courses.

Proposed solution:

To better accommodate the diverse needs of educational programs and teaching strategies, I propose the introduction of a new account-level setting: "Don't let teachers restrict students from viewing quiz questions after course end date." This setting would default to allowing teachers the discretion to restrict or permit quiz question visibility post-course, but could be toggled off by account admins to enforce a uniform policy across the institution.

Simultaneously, at the course level, Instructure should introduce a corresponding option: "Restrict students from viewing quiz questions after course end date." This course-level setting, available when the account-level setting permits, would empower teachers to decide whether quiz questions should be hidden from student view after the course concludes. This flexibility is crucial for adapting course management to the specific learning objectives and assessment strategies employed by teachers. The key benefits of this proposed solution include:

  • Enhanced Pedagogical Flexibility: Teachers can tailor quiz visibility to the educational needs of their students, supporting diverse learning and assessment strategies.
  • Increased Academic Integrity: For courses where quiz security is paramount, teachers can opt to restrict access to quiz questions after the course ends, helping to prevent question sharing and preserve the integrity of future assessments.
  • Customized Learning Review Opportunities: In courses where review and reinforcement are critical, teachers can choose to allow continued access to quiz questions, supporting ongoing student learning even after course completion.

This solution aligns with the principle of providing educators with the tools they need to manage their courses effectively, while still offering administrative control over key academic policies. By introducing these settings, Canvas can better support the varied teaching and learning environments that exist across its user base, ultimately enhancing the educational experience for both teachers and students.

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