[Course Settings] Restrict Inbox Conversation messages for a specific course

Problem statement:

In the past we have encountered issues with spam and phishing attempts sent through the Canvas Inbox for courses that have very large enrollments. As a result we have changed our practices and no longer support courses with mass enrollments. We are not able to support this type of use case due to the information security concerns from potential spam and phishing attempts sent to students through the Canvas Inbox.

Proposed solution:

As a Canvas admin, we would like the ability to disable or restrict Inbox conversations for specific courses. Specifically, we would like to restrict this permission for the Student Role in these courses. This would allow for expanded use cases of Canvas at our institution. For example, we would like to use Canvas to support a required online orientation to support our admissions process. We would also like to enroll all students at our institution into a course that provides resources, such as a College Life course which would display on the Canvas Dashboard for students enrolled in the course.

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Problem statement:

Our institution has situations where it is necessary to remove a course from Inbox Conversations in Canvas. This need arises particularly in courses with a large number of enrolled students. In such cases, managing messages through the Canvas Inbox becomes impractical, and there is an increased risk of spam and phishing attempts. Additionally, the course tutor has alternative methods to address students' individual questions more effectively. Therefore, we require the ability to disable Inbox Conversations for specific courses to streamline communication and enhance security.

Proposed solution:

In the course settings menu, there should be a checkbox that allows the course administrator to disable messages through the Conversation Inbox. Once this option is selected, the course would no longer appear in the Inbox tool. This functionality would enable instructors to focus on other pedagogical activities instead of spending time responding to messages, improving overall course management and efficiency.

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