[Course Settings] "Sticky Notes" that are context-aware
I like the idea of having a Notes field in the Gradebook. It's a good place to put reminders about the student, such as "student has IEP" or "sick for a week, give extra time on assignments." However, I don't spend very much time in the Gradebook, so the notes aren't very practical. They would be much more useful if the notes were pervasive throughout Canvas. Any time I'm interacting with that student's account, it would be great if the notes popped up in the corner of the window to remind me about a student's situation or anything I need to know when responding to them. Kind of like a "sticky note" that automatically appears everywhere. For example, when I'm in Speed Grader and looking at one of the student's assignments, the sticky note would appear. Even better: sticky notes that can be tied to anything in Canvas and automatically appear whenever I'm working with that content. Sometimes I get an idea for a change to an assignment, but I won't be able to implement it until next semester. Being able to type a quick note attached to the assignment would be a great help to remind me what to do next time I edit the assignment.
Implement a "sticky notes" feature that's tied any Canvas object ID number. Every screen in Cavas has a "sticky note" icon that I can click on to open a small window. Anything typed into the note is saved immediately; no need to click on a Save button. The icon has an indicator that lets me know if this page/student/assignment has an active note. Clicking on the icon opens the existing note. When associated to a student, the note icon appears any time I'm interacting with that student: SpeedGrader, Discussions, Inbox. It's important to make sure the notes aren't shown by default: sometimes I'm projecting my Canvas onto the classroom screen and I don't want the note to appear for everyone to see. But it's also important to make sure I know there's an active note to remind me to open it when it's safe to do so.