[DocViewer] Bulk Download of Annotated DocViewer documents by assignment

Instructors can easily bulk-download student submissions, and instructors can individually download the PDF showing the annotations they've made to a student's submission in DocViewer. There is currently no way to bulk download all annotated submissions for an assignment in one click.  Faculty frequently want to keep a portfolio of this feedback / graded work for each student.


Similar requests have been made by Eric Castro and Robert Jones, but haven't received the votes needed.

Added to Theme

Community Explorer

5 years and still nothing? 

Community Participant

I had a faculty request for this today, so the need still exists.

Community Member

Is there any hope that this feature will ever be added. This LMS feature would save people a lot of time and frustration.

Community Participant

I agree! This would be a fantastic upgrade in Canvas.

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Added to Theme
Community Member
Problem statement:

Currently we have to download each student submission with annotations individually. We are preparing for accreditation, which will require the submissions with annotations for each student. This is extremely time consuming and instructors would like the ability to do the bulk download with submissions for assignments in Canvas.

Proposed solution:

The solution would be to allow instructors to bulk download assignment submissions with the annotations for those submissions. The "Why" for the solution is that this would be a huge timesaver for any institution that is undergoing program assessment or accreditation.

User role(s):


Community Coach
Community Coach
Problem statement:

Currently, submission comments can only be downloaded by PDF individually by student by assignment in the speedgrader. According to this article: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/How-do-I-download-submission-comments-as-a-PDF-i... This is very time-consuming.

Proposed solution:

Give the ability to bulk download or export the instructor's submission comments by course and assignments. Download should be available in PDF and CSV files. This will allow instructors to have a copy of their responses, which they can use for future use and/or for an LLM (large language model).

User role(s):


Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Seeking Clarity

Hi @masantos -

Thanks for sharing your idea with the Instructure Community!

Would [Speedgrader] Option to download the student submission AND the SpeedGrader comments at one time and... meet your needs? If so, we can merge your request into the comments of the existing idea.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @KristinL 

Yes! That would be great. Thank you! 

There are different ways to call the Submission comments I couldn't find similar titles.