DocViewer: Rotate page/image

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

In the current beta, there is no method for rotating a document. Instructors cannot compensate for students who post PDFs in landscape format (for example). 

Please consider adding a button to rotate 90 degrees (left or right) to better enable instructors to allow alternate rendering and viewing of these documents.

Comments from Instructure

For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2018-10-06) .

Community Participant

Really, Canvas??  You thought that every student would always submit the image in the correct orientation?  Have you met our students?...  I was flummoxed when I saw that you did not have this.  (Almost made me question the wisdom of my school adopting this LMS.... seriously.)  And it is not even a difficult fix.  This is a standard option in just about every graphics viewing app out there.  You have no excuse at all for this omission.  GET IT DONE.

Community Member

This has been in the works for over a year? Since June 2017? My school district uses CANVAS and the students are given iPads. The metadata is not recorded and even though students take the picture of their assignments in portrait, 1/2 the time it loads in SpeedGrader as Landscape. It's pretty annoying. Please add a button to turn the submissions.

Community Novice


I put this request in a year ago. Apparently moving courses around the dashboard is a lot more exciting task to work on than turning a pdf the right way up.


Community Participant

THIS!!!! it would save me so much more time in grading if I could rotate the doc in canvas instead of having to download it, rotate it, make my annotations and then reupload....

Community Team
Community Team
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas 

For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2018-10-06) .

Community Novice

THIS IS SO HELPFUL! Thank you to the developers who made it happen! What a difference this will make in my ability to grade work. I tried the rotate tool just now, and was surprised by the joy that it brought. Smiley Happy Well done, Canvas.

Community Participant

Are there plans to implement this for the canvas teacher app on iOS and android devices? 

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Completed