Exported gradebook should match filters on the grade screen

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

For more information, please read through the  Canvas Deploy Notes (2021-07-07).

On the "Grades" screen you can filter the students who appear on the screen so that it only shows active students or only shows a particular section of a merged class.  However, the exported gradebook csv file shows everybody (active, inactice, all sections and so forth).  The exported gradebook should recognize the filters used in the grade screen.

I noticed that parts of this have already been requested.  For example. there has been requests that only active students are in the csv file or only individual sections should be exported.  If the exported csv matches what is seen on the screen this will take care of all these issues.

Community Novice

Totally agree that the you should have the option to export only the already filtered gradebook. This will this save unnecessary double effort. The filter function in Canvas is simpler to use as an in class tool e.g. for registering attendance or checking completion. When trying to export this data on a mobile or tablet its not as practical to do a subsequent filter on those devices in excel.

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Status changed to: Completed