[External Tools] AMP Dashboard Insight

Problem statement:

As an online school, our students complete classes and get them added continuously. At the very beginning of the term AMP Dashboard is helpful in that I can see all of the courses my kids may have and their last login info. However, AMP Dashboard becomes useless quickly after. Once students start progressing (or not) through courses, completes courses and get others added, this % and login info offers little insight to advisors. We don't know how far through a course a student is, or if the course has actually been completed. If we're in week 5 of our term and I look at AMP Dashboard and a student has a 72% in a class, I don't know if the student is in week 5, or still in week 1 or maybe working ahead and in week 7. The data offered is completely useless to me. The data is being collected, it just needs to be presented on the AMP Dashboard in a manner that would make AMP Dashboard a continually useful page.

Proposed solution:

My proposal is to make the circle around the number grade a progress indicator. 1/4 circle means they are a quarter through the course. 1/2 circle, they are halfway, 3/4 they are 3/4 complete and a full green circle means they have completed the course. That way AMP Dashboard provides continually usable data about all course progress for all students all the time.

User role(s):


1 Comment
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Will Not Consider

Hi @NancyPassarelli -

Thank you for sharing your idea! I think this is great feedback to provide to your Canvas admin or to AMP Dashboard. Because AMP is an external tool that is compatible with Instructure Products, we are moving this request to the Will Not Consider status.