[Files] Create a folder for students to share their uploads

Problem statement:

Teachers would like to offer a folder for their students, so the students can upload their files by themselve and other students have access to these files, so they can review or download it. The other solutions for this problem is a group and a page but they are not that satisfying because a page can be easily overwritten by others.

Proposed solution:

As a teacher I would like to create a folder under files in my course, so students can upload their files by themselve and other students have access to it and can download and review it.

User role(s):


Community Explorer

May I add some requirements here: 

  • As a teacher I can choose if this is a folder for students, so students can upload their files and download it or if it is only a teacher folder, so only teachers in a course can upload files there but still students can download the files from the folder.
  • If it is a student folder all students should have access to the folder to upload and download files there. 

This is a nice to have: 

  • As a teacher I can assign different folders to specific students who have access to the folder and can upload and download files from this folder.
    • Other students who are not assigend to the folder should not see the folder at all. 
    • This setting should be possible to change, so for example I can assign other students or more students later. 
Status changed to: Seeking Clarity

@DeteesWuber Thanks for sharing this idea. Could you expand on the problem you're trying to solve by having a student folder so that I can better understand the origin of this idea? I look forward to hearing from you! 

Status changed to: Will Not Consider

Marked this as "will not consider" given that we did not receive more information about the problem. Please resubmit with more information if you want to make sure this idea gets considered.