[Files] Prevent downloads of proprietary videos and other content by disabling right click and download features

Problem statement:

My company creates training videos and content that is proprietary in nature that we sell via this platform. The previous LMS we used allowed us to prevent someone stealing our content and reusing it by preventing downloads unless it was something we specifically wanted downloaded (like a handout to a seminar). I have searched the community and find evidence of the need for this feature as far back as 2015 but no solution has been offered that works. Likewise, I have asked accounts services which offered the toggle for students to download course content to be viewed offline; however, that is toggled off in our instance but the right click and download feature remains active. They suggested following a community post which basically suggests using YouTube to store all videos and then linking to those videos which defeats the purpose of having everything within the LMS. The last is via CSS/JS upload but being a very small non-profit company, we don't have personnel that can code at that level. In my opinion, this is a basic feature for those of us that create training and content.

Proposed solution:

Have a toggle that allows you to disable downloading of content on the upload content areas of Canvas. One that prevents right clicking and downloading. I realize that if someone was very persistent in their wish to download content, they would find a work around, but making it a bit more difficult would go a long way in supporting those of us that create proprietary content.

User role(s):
