[Gradebook] Allow Grades to Modify the Semester Grade

Problem statement:

The Canvas system (very rationally) requires that grades be included in the semester grade or not be included. There are limited ways to calculate a grade. One problem arises when someone's syllabus says students MUST PASS certain exams to pass the course. Another problem arises when someone's syllabus says that some assignments are EXTRA CREDIT and ADD POINTS ONTO THE SEMESTER AVERAGE, or one grading category.

Proposed solution:

We need a fancier way to deal with category averages and the semester average. (1) We need to be able to select an alternate way of grading, so it is the minimum of several grades, not the weighted average. (2) We need to be able to set grading columns (scores or averages) to be must-pass, meaning we specify a minimum score the student must achieve or some other grading column we set drops to a grade we select. (3) We need to be able to select "add these points to the average" and then select an average. If the column (score or average) we are adding to the semester average is 2.33, we add 2.33 to that average. I realize this could confuse new teachers, so it needs to be very obvious in the grade book when this is active. It also needs to be hard to find.

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