[Gradebook] Canvas Late Flag Bug

Problem statement:

Scenario: Students are allowed multiple attempts to submit a quiz. They submit a quiz on time and are happy with their score. They think all is well. They accidentally open a new attempt, which Canvas automatically submits for them when the late window closes. This final "attempt" is considered late. Canvas then marks all the submissions, even the on time ones, as late, so student is docked the late penalty.

Proposed solution:

The late penalty should only be applied to the late submissions. Fix this problem!!! It's been 8 years. I'm tired of manually removing late flags from assignments that weren't submitted late.

User role(s):


Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Seeking Clarity

Hi @emily_hardegree -

Thank you for sharing this idea with the Instructure Community! Did you work with Instructure Support to identify this as a bug? If so, do you have the case number? 

Community Member
Problem statement:

I saw a similar post on this subject that I could not reply to and I wanted to add some missing context/information.

Scenario: There is a quiz that has a due date, and quizzes submitted late will receive a late penalty. "Allow multiple attempts" is set to "On", and "Score to keep" set to "First". A student that submits a quiz by the due date has no penalty, however the issue occurs when that same student attempts to complete the quiz again due to the allowance of multiple attempts but this attempt is after the due date.

Canvas gradebook then perceives that the grade for this quiz is late, even though the score to keep is set to "First" which was done before the due date. With these settings in place, instructors may assume that we are allowing students the ability to retake a quiz for practice and no score with keeping the "First" score from the quiz that was completed by the due date, but that is not what is happening.

Proposed solution:

If this is not a bug, then the solution should be to make the gradebook not apply the late penalty for quizzes that have first been submitted by the due date even with multiple attempts allowed.

If this is a "bug", I'm not sure how to submit this to "Instructure Support"


User role(s):


Community Team
Community Team

Hi @emily_hardegree -

I'm checking back! If you cannot provide an update regarding this idea by February 29, we will need to archive it to help the Community Team focus on current Ideas. If you need more time, that's okay too! Providing an update before that time would be helpful and appreciated. 

@JasonRandall, in case you'd like to contact Support, here's the best resource that will help you to do so -- How do I contact Canvas Support? 

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Will Not Consider